Thanks for voting of “Visitors’ Favourite Award” of HKSSPC 2023.
The list of awardee is as follows:
Division | Team No. | School Name | Project Title | Votes |
Junior | JBBC118 | Heep Yunn School | Scaweed Succeed | 443 |
JBBC240 | Chinese Foundation Secondary School | Wound Healing Dressing | 212 | |
Senior | SBBC060 | HKUGA College | Sustainable Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis of Sea Water for Car Fuel | 496 |
SBPE096 | HKUGA College | Investigation on the Effect of Width and Shape of Shoe Sole Patterns on Friction | 165 |
Please feel free to watch the playback of presentation videos of finalists in the following LINK if you are interested.