The awardee list of “Visitors’ Favourite Award” of HKSSPC 2020 is as follows:
Team No. | Project Title | No. of Votes | |
Junior Division | JABC11 | Sleep Well Lover
睡眠宝宝 |
258 |
JBBC26 | Anti-beanvironment
反「豆」環境 |
151 | |
JABC18 | Green Tablet Sanitizer
環保除菌神器 |
128 | |
Senior Division | SBBC24 | Novel Floating Drug Delivery Hydrogel: Sustained Release with CaCO3 Microparticles
新型藥物控釋系統:巧用碳酸鈣「微粒」 |
247 |
SBBC40 | Synthetic Differentially Permeable Membrane in Heavy Metal Ions Separation
水中能取金,何須石中求? |
163 | |
SBBC02 | Dye-sensitized TiO2 NPs Catalysed Photodecomposition of Methanal and Production of Hydrogen
鈦色醛消 |
135 |
Please feel free to check out the presentation videos of teams in the Activities Highlights of our website if you are interested.